home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //println "killed.scr"
- // Location values:
- // -2 false positive: should return a miss
- // -1 General
- // 0 head
- // 1 helmet
- // 2 neck
- // 3 upper torso
- // 4 middle torso
- // 5 lower torso
- // 6 pelvis
- // 7 right upper arm
- // 8 left upper arm
- // 9 right upper leg
- // 10 left upper leg
- // 11 right lower arm
- // 12 left lower arm
- // 13 right lower leg
- // 14 left lower leg
- // 15 right hand
- // 16 left hand
- // 17 right foot
- // 18 left foot
- //println "Killed by " self.fact.damage " damage in location " self.fact.location
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- //self.normal_health = 0 // He is dead
- // Make Some Damage Smokey Poofs
- if(0) // This is handled in the code, no need to do it again here
- {
- local.vec2 = self.fact.direction
- local.vec2[0] = local.vec2[0] * -1
- local.vec2[1] = local.vec2[1] * -1
- local.vec2[2] = local.vec2[2] * -1
- self damagepuff self.fact.position local.vec2
- }
- // Need a fast blendtime so the animation begins snappily
- self.blendtime = 0.3
- // Facial animation/sound
- // Boon 9-11-01 Moved this back up so it would happen for the special death animation case (moved that back up because
- // calling two animations in one frame is an error. Jason had moved it to the bottom and I'm not sure if the condition
- // that required that is gone now. If death sounds stop playing then this may be the culprit.
- self setsay death_generic // Death facial animation/sound
- ////////
- // Pop off the helmet
- if ( (self.fact.location == 0) || (self.fact.location == 1) )
- {
- self pophelmet
- }
- // Special death animation
- if (self.deathanim != NIL)
- {
- // println "Playing special death animation " self.deathanim
- self setmotionanim self.deathanim
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- end
- }
- //exec global/sethelmetfalloff.scr "false"
- // The direction the bullet/damage came from is useful more often than not.
- local.yaw = self GetLocalYawFromVector self.fact.direction
- // Explosive deaths give a -1 hit location
- if (self.fact.location == -1)
- {
- //println "Unknown location, assuming explosive death"
- // If we really got it bad, play a flying through the air animation
- if (self.fact.damage > 75)
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_grenade_high
- }
- if (local.yaw > -45 && local.yaw < 45)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_backgrenade
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_grenade
- }
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self pophelmet
- }
- }
- else if (self.fact.damage > 50)
- {
- if (local.yaw > -45 && local.yaw < 45)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_back
- }
- else if (local.yaw > 45 && local.yaw < 135)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_right
- }
- else if (local.yaw > -135 && local.yaw < -45)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_left
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_run
- }
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 60)
- {
- self pophelmet
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //println "falling down"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_crotch
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 30)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_frontchoke
- }
- }
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = "dead"
- end
- }
- switch (self.position)
- {
- dead:
- break
- knees:
- crouch:
- crouchwalk:
- if (local.yaw > 135 && local.yaw < 225)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_frontcrouch
- }
- else
- {
- switch(self.weapontype)
- {
- grenade:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Knees/Has Grenade"
- //self setmotionanim grenade_pain_kneestodeath // don't have
- self setmotionanim rifle_pain_kneestodeath // temp default
- break
- rifle:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Knees/Has Rifle"
- self setmotionanim rifle_pain_kneestodeath
- break
- smg:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Knees/Has SMG"
- self setmotionanim thompson_pain_kneestodeath
- break
- bazooka:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Knees/Has Bazooka"
- //self setmotionanim bazooka_pain_kneestodeath // Don't have
- self setmotionanim rifle_pain_kneestodeath // Temp default
- break
- default:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Knees/Default Case - this is a bug in killed.scr"
- self setmotionanim rifle_pain_kneestodeath // Play the default
- break
- }
- }
- break
- prone:
- // Need different animations for prone!!!!
- floor:
- switch(self.weapontype)
- {
- grenade:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Floor/Has Grenade"
- //self setmotionanim grenade_pain_floortodeath // Don't have
- self setmotionanim death_prone // Temp default
- break
- rifle:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Floor/Has Rifle"
- self setmotionanim death_prone
- break
- smg:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Floor/Has SMG"
- self setmotionanim death_prone
- break
- bazooka:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Floor/Has Bazooka"
- //self setmotionanim bazooka_pain_floortodeath // Don't have
- self setmotionanim death_prone // Temp default
- break
- default:
- // println "Fatal Shot While On Floor/Default Case - this is a bug in killed.scr"
- self setmotionanim death_prone // Default
- break
- }
- break
- run:
- local.forwardvelocity = self.velocity * self.forwardvector
- println "Forward velocity: " local.forwardvelocity
- if ( local.forwardvelocity > 130 )
- {
- if ( (local.yaw > -45) && (local.yaw < 45) && (self.fact.damage > 50) )
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_knockedup
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_run
- }
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 60)
- {
- self pophelmet
- }
- break
- }
- // else flow through to the stand case
- walk:
- stand:
- crouchrun:
- pronewalk:
- default:
- switch (self.fact.location)
- {
- // Lower torso)
- case 6: // pelvis
- case 5: // lower torso
- //println "Fatal Stomach Shot"
- // If the blow came from in front, fall back
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > -45) && (local.yaw < 45) && (local.randnum > 40) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_back
- }
- else if ( (local.yaw > 135) && (local.yaw < 225) && (local.randnum > 70) )
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 50)
- {
- // knockedup is good for shots from behind in the lower body, or in front in the upper.
- self setmotionanim death_knockedup
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_run
- }
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_crotch
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- }
- }
- break
- // Upper torso
- case 4: // middle torso
- case 3: // upper torso
- //println "Fatal Chest Shot"
- // If the blow came from in front, fall back
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > -45) && (local.yaw < 45) && (local.randnum > 40) )
- {
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- // knockedup is good for shots from behind in the lower body, or in front in the upper.
- self setmotionanim death_knockedup
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_back
- }
- }
- else if ( (local.yaw > 135) && (local.yaw < 225) && (local.randnum > 60) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_run
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_frontchoke
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_shoot
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- }
- }
- break
- // Neck - choke
- case 2: // neck
- //Println "fatal neck shot"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 50)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_frontchoke
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_choke
- }
- break
- // Head
- case 1: // helmet
- case 0: // head
- //Println "fatal head shot"
- // exec global/sethelmetfalloff.scr "true"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > -45) && (local.yaw < 45) && (local.randnum > 50) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_back
- }
- else if ( (local.yaw > 135) && (local.yaw < 225) && (local.randnum > 70) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_head_flyforward
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 80)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_headpistol
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 60)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_twist
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_shoot
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 20)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_fall_to_knees
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_collapse
- }
- }
- break
- // Right arm - we could fudge it here so you can't kill someone by shooting them
- // in the arm...
- case 7: // right upper arm
- case 11: // right lower arm
- case 15: // right hand
- //println "Fatal right arm shot"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > 135) && (local.yaw < 225) && (local.randnum > 50) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_twist
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_fall_back
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_shoot
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- }
- }
- break
- // Left arm - we could fudge it here so you can't kill someone by shooting them
- // in the arm...
- case 8: // left upper arm
- case 12: // left lower arm
- case 16: // left hand
- //println "Fatal left arm shot"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > -45) && (local.yaw < 45) && (local.randnum > 50) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_twist
- }
- else
- {
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_fall_back
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_shoot
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- }
- }
- break
- // Right leg - we could fudge it here so you can't kill someone by shooting them
- // in the leg...
- case 9: // right upper leg
- case 13: // right lower leg
- case 17: // right foot
- //println "Fatal right leg shot"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > 135) && (local.yaw < 225) && (local.randnum > 50) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_knockedup
- }
- else
- {
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_twist
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_shoot
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_collapse
- }
- }
- break
- // Left leg - we could fudge it here so you can't kill someone by shooting them
- // in the leg...
- case 10: // left upper leg
- case 14: // left lower leg
- case 18: // left foot
- //println "Fatal left leg shot"
- local.randnum = randomint 100
- if ( (local.yaw > 135) && (local.yaw < 225) && (local.randnum > 50) )
- {
- self setmotionanim death_knockedup
- }
- else
- {
- if (local.randnum > 70)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_fall_to_knees
- }
- else if (local.randnum > 40)
- {
- self setmotionanim death_shoot
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim death_collapse
- }
- }
- break
- default:
- //println "Warning: Fatal Shot in unknown body part! (Part " self.fact.location ")"
- self setmotionanim death_chest
- break
- }
- }
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = "dead"
- // Helmet popped off depending on where you got hit, not on some variable anymore.
- //if (self.losehelmet == true)
- //{
- // // Ping the helmet off
- // //println "ejecting helmet"
- // self pophelmet
- //}
- end
- //---------------------------
- killed_chair:
- // Facial animation/sound
- self setsay death_generic // Death facial animation/sound
- // Pop off the helmet
- if ( (self.fact.location == 0) || (self.fact.location == 1) )
- {
- self pophelmet
- }
- // Special death animation
- if (self.deathanim != NIL)
- {
- // println "Playing special death animation " self.deathanim
- self setmotionanim self.deathanim
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- end
- }
- // Play either death forward or backwards depending on the direction of the shot
- local.yaw = self GetLocalYawFromVector self.fact.direction
- if ( (local.yaw > 90) && (local.yaw < 270) )
- {
- self setmotionanim chair_death_forwards
- }
- else
- {
- self setmotionanim chair_death_backwards
- }
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- self.position = "dead"
- end